Advice on Grief and Loss and Addiction

Advice on Grief and Loss and Addiction

Many addicts in the early stages of recovery will experience grief and a sense of profound loss. Robert Weiss LCSW, recently published a thought provoking article about the role of grief and loss in addiction recovery. Weiss suggests that addicts and family members in the early stages of recovery may not have considered the strong role that the grief process...[ read more ]

Development disorder trauma in children

Developmental disorder trauma in children has the potential to be disruptive to a child well beyond childhood. These traumas, if unresolved, can pose significant challenges to the adult child in their life, socially, and otherwise. This new approach to looking at childhood trauma helps us understand how interventions can assist children and adult survivors of traumatic events or pasts. This...[ read more ]

How to Co-Parent Successfully after Divorce

Divorces involving children can be especially challenging- and draining, for all parties involved.  While you may have seen the writing on the walls for some time, a divorce often feels very sudden to the children involved. The sudden breakdown of the family structure after a divorce can be traumatic for children. Children often experience feelings of abandonment, confusion and loss....[ read more ]

Talking to children about mass shootings

A colleague wrote this article today about talking with your children about mass shootings. Never a topic any parent wanted to have to discuss but we can’t afford not to. Our children need to be heard, and to feel understood.   The post Talking to children about mass shootings appeared first on Mountain View Therapy.

Divorce: Tips for helping your angry child

You never expected your child to be glad that you were getting a divorce. You knew they would be sad, probably confused and maybe even worried- but this anger? It’s intense. You struggle as you want to stay connected with your child, you want them to know that you are there for them- no matter what- and most importantly, you...[ read more ]

Children coping with divorce

Almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Divorce is one of the most stressful life events for both children and their parents. Major stressors and risk factors include the initial period after separation, parental conflict, the loss of vital relationships, financial problems, and re-partnering or remarriage.   While some children seem to adapt to all...[ read more ]