New guidelines for depression screenings for children 12-17

New guidelines for depression screenings for children 12-17

It’s not easy to talk about depression, yet the problem is fairly common. Only about 50 percent of adolescents with depression are diagnosed before reaching adulthood. During the teenage years, there’s about a 20 percent chance of having depression or anxiety, research suggests. Suicide remains the leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 17. This week the American Academy...[ read more ]

Play therapy can help children process divorce

Play therapy can help children cope with divorce. Even in the most amicable of separations, children feel the effects of divorce. They experience the stress of their parents, as well as their own anxiety and fears, whether conscious or unconscious, about a number of questions. For example: “Was it my fault? Will I get to see mommy or daddy when...[ read more ]