7 Mistakes that people make when a child dies

7 Mistakes that people make when a child dies

It inconceivable. The pain that a parent experiences when their child dies. There are no adequate words to describe what they are going through or how deeply their emotions run. Parents who have lost a child find themselves in a canyon of immense sadness.  Friends, family members, teachers, coaches and peers struggle as they want to provide comfort. Being available,...[ read more ]

Divorce: Tips for helping your angry child

You never expected your child to be glad that you were getting a divorce. You knew they would be sad, probably confused and maybe even worried- but this anger? It’s intense. You struggle as you want to stay connected with your child, you want them to know that you are there for them- no matter what- and most importantly, you...[ read more ]

Speaking of the unmentionable

“What really happened to grandma” asks your child after your mother, your child’s grandmother, died in a recent car accident. What happened is that grandma failed to yield a 4-way stop and was hit by another car, resulting in severe head trauma and ultimately a brain hemorrhage. Grandma died in an ambulance, on the way to the hospital.     “Talking...[ read more ]